Day 4: Juices Flowing

If yesterday was a struggle, today was a success. I made great strides on my first ever song and am getting more excited about recording it! 

Published: 5/11/23 (6:23 PM) 

Hours spent: 8

Total hours: 30

Compared to the previous day, this session was a hit! Because breakfast ran late due to Earth Day, I came to the studio at 9:30. I started working on my chorus as Scott told me to do. I came up with a solidified chorus in terms of lyrics and melody, and in an hour’s time I moved on to the verse. By the time lunch came around I had a full two verses, and two choruses. I felt quite pleased with myself during my lunch break. After lunch I took a quick break (learning popular guitar songs, and working on scales) and in an hour’s time I returned to my song. I realized I wanted a bridge and had some chord ideas for it, but I wasn’t quite sure what the lyrics would be. I scratched the bridge part by 3 to move on and practiced playing my song to perform for Scott.

At 3:30 I went up to Scott and played my song. He was happy with it, and we discussed the structure (chords and time so he or other musicians would be able to play it) and a potential bridge. He gave the idea of having an instrumental bridge as opposed to one with words, and I thought that could work great. I say quite a lot in the song and a purely instrumental bridge would be a fine contrast. I feel satisfied with where I’m at. Once I get the bridge down I am set to start recording! (This will hopefully be in the next couple of days.) 

This is my song so far:


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